kids Coastal Academy


Here’s Our Approach for Our Infant Development Program

In the early stages of infancy, babies undergo crucial motor skill development, engaging in activities such as tummy time and interactive learning with teachers. Our dedicated teachers take advantage of this period to focus on stretches, leg movements, and promote hand-eye coordination, laying the foundation for subsequent stages of early childhood growth.

As our cute heroes advance through the stages of babyhood, our teachers actively support the development of core muscles. These efforts involve facilitating crawling, encouraging emotional expression, and fostering the coordination of limb movements. On a cognitive level, infants begin to recognize and identify family members and teachers as they enter their surroundings. Additionally, this period marks the initiation of adorable babbling sounds, showcasing the early stages of expressive communication that’s overloaded with cuteness.

Your Infant’s Achievements!

Every day at KCA brings new, exciting adventures for your little one. While our engaging lessons and curriculum pave the way for crucial milestones, we prioritize ensuring that your child is progressing at their unique pace.

Here's a glimpse of several key milestones your infant is set to conquer this year:

  • Mastering motor skills, progressing from crawling to standing and walking, all tailored to their developmental stage.
  • Actively participating in social interactions.
  • Recognizing and forming bonds with familiar faces, including teachers and teachers.
  • Identifying familiar words when spoken, showcasing language recognition.
  • Gradually transitioning to self-feeding.
  • Communicating to you through babbling and mimicking speech.